In his piece for Education Week, Andrew Minigan, RQI Education Project and Research Coordinator, writes, “Question formulation is fundamental to cognitive development and how we learn from others, and yet it is a skill that is rarely developed in classrooms.” Read his post on the importance of deliberately teaching students how to ask questions. […]
Cultivating Curiosity by Deliberately Teaching Students How to Ask Questions by Andrew Minigan
How Can Medical Students Learn to Ask Better Questions?
Lessons from a Harvard Medical School Conference on Medical Education Dan Rothstein | Co-Director, The Right Question Institute. I recently crossed the river from Cambridge to Boston to spend some time at Harvard Medical School listening to a slew of fascinating discussions about how to improve medical education. Harvard Medical School (HMS) deserves a lot of […]
Inquiring Minds: Curiosity as a Catalyst to Discovery
written and compiled by Jane Santa Cruz This issue of InQuiring Minds reaches back to explore that initial feeling of curiosity that can then spark all learning, creativity, and innovation. We should understand why curiosity is so valuable before we can begin to know how to keep our curiosity alive. The articles below capture the […]
Quotes from a Successful Healthcare Seminar
Our first healthcare seminar last week was a success! We were pleased to see an active group of 28 participants, including a mix of social workers, nurses, community health workers, healthcare profession educators, and administrators joining us from not just around Boston, but also Springfield, MA and Rhode Island. We began with an overview and […]
Flip the Clinic: Bringing an Education Movement into Health Care Delivery
“Flipping the classroom” is a relatively recent innovation that requires students to watch videos of lectures or lessons individually before class, then using the following class time to practice problems and critical thinking in groups. Teachers, instead of giving initial lectures, facilitate group learning and are available to answer students’ questions. The flipped classroom transforms […]
“Right” Questions vs. “Correct” Answers: Teaching Deeper Learning
As I explained the importance of withholding final judgment as we gather evidence and information, I saw a crooked grin creep onto his face. “I see what you’re doing,” he said, nodding as he prepared to walk out of class. When I prepare lessons for my students at Pathways in Technology Early College High School […]
inQuiring Minds: Initiating Innovation
Innovation seems to be a buzzword but what does it really mean? How can we understand innovation as the product of great questions? Questioning has been found to be at the heart of innovation. As we speed through the beginning of the year, The Right Question Institute has been considering the power of questions as […]
Elevating Socratic Seminar by Having Students Ask The Questions
“…this was clear evidence that the QFT was a process that students viewed as an authentic and effective tool for their learning, not just something that their teacher was making them do.” In our last weekly post from the field, educator Robert Welch describes how his students embrace the Question Formulation Technique and use it […]
Making Questioning a Habit of Mind
by Jay Corrigan Annie Fetter has a great video online where she talks about Noticing and Wondering. As adults, we notice things and wonder about things in a way that is almost instinctual. Most of us probably don’t have to remind ourselves that we need to notice things before we solve a problem. We just […]