Our first healthcare seminar last week was a success! We were pleased to see an active group of 28 participants, including a mix of social workers, nurses, community health workers, healthcare profession educators, and administrators joining us from not just around Boston, but also Springfield, MA and Rhode Island. We began with an overview and […]
Flip the Clinic: Bringing an Education Movement into Health Care Delivery
“Flipping the classroom” is a relatively recent innovation that requires students to watch videos of lectures or lessons individually before class, then using the following class time to practice problems and critical thinking in groups. Teachers, instead of giving initial lectures, facilitate group learning and are available to answer students’ questions. The flipped classroom transforms […]
Increasing Patient Activation in NYC: The Right Question-Effective Patient Strategy (RQ-EPS)
Last week we posted about a recent article in the WSJ on patient activation. We are calling for more champions for this significant approach to help patients gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their health needs. Judith Hibbard not only developed the language and framework of patient activation, but also the validated tool […]
Embrace the Awkward – A Shift in Healthcare Practice
Last weekend we conducted a training for Tufts undergraduate students about the Right Question-Effective Patient Strategy (RQ-EPS) and how they could teach it to patients. The students volunteer at the Sharewood free clinic and provide information about public health topics, check patients’ vitals, and refer patients to a case manager. They inform patients they can […]
Lessons from the American Public Health Association Conference
What do a physician who works with farmworkers, a researcher studying health among incarcerated individuals, a nurse working with cancer patients, and a community health worker helping low-income patients find subsidized housing all have in common? They all stopped by the RQI booth at the American Public Health Association (APHA) conference or attended our presentation, […]
InQuiring Minds: Engaging Patients and Motivating Students
After a brief hiatus we are back with the latest installment of inQuiring Minds. We continue to expand our work in health care, where community health workers are now learning to teach patients to ask better questions and participate in decisions. Stay tuned to this blog for more updates about RQI’s work in health care […]